A variety of down payment assistance programs are available to aspiring homeowners to help bridge the gap and close on their homes. Programs typically assist first-time homeowners through grants or zero-interest forgivable loans.
Funds may be used for:
Down payment as required by the first mortgage lender
A reduction to the first mortgage as needed for loan qualification
Qualified closing costs
Below are state and locally funded down payment assistance programs.
Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA)
MI Home Loan Program
Available to first-time homebuyers who have not owned a home in the previous three years statewide.
Household income limits apply and can vary depending on family size and property location.
Buyer's personal investment must equal at least 1% of purchase price.
Sales Price limit - $224,500 statewide.
Minimum credit score of 640 required or 660 for multiple-section manufactured homes.
Down Payment Assistance available​
MI 10K DPA Loan up to $10,000 available statewide. Housing Education class required.
More information available at michigan.gov/mshda/homeownership.
City of Lansing Down Payment Assistance
Up to $14,999 in assistance available.
Available to first-time homebuyers who have not owned a home in the previous three years.
Buyer must meet income and asset limits to qualify for the program.
Home must be within City of Lansing city limits, permanently affixed and taxed as real estate.
Home must pass City of Lansing DPA inspection.
Buyer’s personal investment must equal at least $1,000.
Completion of Home Buyer Education course is required before closing.
Limited funds are available and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Complete application can be submitted to LeighAnna Beach at leighanna@capitalareahousing.org, or dropped off at CAHP's office located at 600 W. Maple, Lansing, MI 48906.
More information available at lansingmi.gov/366/Down-Payment-Assistance
City of East Lansing Down Payment Assistance
Up to $30,000 in assistance available.
Buyer must meet income and asset limits to qualify for the program.
Home must be within City of East Lansing city limits.
Buyer’s personal investment must equal at least 1% of purchase price.
Deed restrictions are recorded at the time of purchase requiring the home to remain owner-occupied for 30 years.
Completion of CAHP Home Buyer Education course is required before closing.
Limited funds are available and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Complete application can be submitted to Emma Henry at emma@capitalareahousing.org, or dropped off at CAHP's office located at 600 W. Maple, Lansing, MI 48906.
City of East Lansing Employee Homeownership Program (EHOP)
Up to $10,000 in assistance available for a home located in a target East Lansing neighborhood.
Funds can be used to cover down payments and/or closing costs.
Complete application can be submitted to Emma Henry at emma@capitalareahousing.org, or dropped off at CAHP's office located at 600 W. Maple, Lansing, MI 48906.
Application Checklist and Form